Have You Told Your Kid These 12 Important Things?

Equip your kids with powerful affirmations to remind them they're cherished. Frequent positive words greatly influence their self-perception. Here're 12 affirmations every kid should hear.

1. You are kind.

"Praising a child's choice to be kind, especially when difficult, is crucial. It shows you acknowledge and value their gentle heart."

2. You are brave.

Remember, bravery isn't absence of fear. It could be reading aloud at school or using the potty alone. Let's celebrate bravery.

3. Your words matter.

Small voices matter. Remind kids by listening attentively, aiding in raising bold individuals who speak truthfully.

4. You are special.

Every kid needs to know they're special and unique, especially when feeling invisible. The world wouldn't be the same without them!

5. You have great ideas.

Your kids' frequent brilliant ideas may cause fatigue. Valuing their thoughts encourages outside-the-box thinking into adulthood, a great skill to have.

6. You are so creative.

Encourage your child's artistic sense and creativity. As kids grow, they may question their creative abilities. Help them preserve their artistic self-identity.

7. You are a good friend.

Being a good friend is a commendable quality to encourage in our kids, as it is a valuable trait we greatly appreciate!

8. You can do hard things.

Teaching kids to persist through tough times fosters resilience. We recognize their strength.

9. You are smart.

Help kids overcome tough days at school and self-doubt. Remind them of their brilliance, with persistence they can succeed!

10. You are responsible.

Remind kids they can choose to handle situations, even when overwhelmed. Taking a moment to breathe and make good choices is empowering.

11. You are fun.

Being the "fun one" isn't natural for all kids. Every kid deserves to hear they're enjoyable to spend time with. As a volunteer, I love seeing joy in "the quiet kid" when I share my fun experiences with them.

12. You are so very loved.

Feeling cherished boosts a child's happiness and reduces anxiety. Study shows this and more here Gottman. Use these affirmations to uplift your child.

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