Playful Ways to Heal Your Inner Child (Children of Narcissists Need This List!)

We all have an inner child, sometimes burdened with past hardships. Releasing this child to play is healing. Here are 12 ways to unleash your inner child's joy.

1. Let Them Make a Mess

Ever scolded for making a mess as a child? Your inner kids might want to "play in the dirt". Mix play dough colors, color outside the lines, mismatch outfits or make mud pies!

2. Indulge in the Forbidden

Ever been restricted from movies, books, games, toys, or fun foods as a child? Now say: you're allowed. Watch that movie. Eat candy. It's healing.

3. Movement

Enjoy movement! Walk in a beautiful place, listen to your favorite music. Try a dance class or jump rope. If it brings joy and peace, you've reached your inner child.

4. Dollar Store Outing

Visit a dollar or thrift store and let your inner child guide you to the toys they find appealing. You might be drawn to unexpected things!

5. Create a Safe Space

Learn from gentle parenting to create a cozy corner in your home, fostering emotional growth and calm. Create your zen corner today.

6. Journal With Your Non-Dominant Hand

"Ready to express your inner child? Grab a pen and start writing or drawing with your non-dominant hand. Let your child parts speak. It could be enlightening. ".

7. Swing into the Sun

Feel like a kid again by swinging on a park swing. Take a friend or join your kids to combat self-consciousness. It's a fun way to feel young and carefree.

8. Visit the Children's Section in the Library

Relive the magic of libraries! Visit your local library's children’s section and pick out picture books or middle readers that interest you. Enjoy like a child again!

9. Play with your Children

Embrace your inner child! Play, build forts, color with your kids or ones you babysit. They'll thank you.

10. Discover Creative Outlets

Enjoy your passions regularly, be it playing piano, acting, or knitting. Now is the perfect time to enhance your creativity. Enroll in a class or watch Youtube tutorials.

11. Wear the Bright Colors

It's okay to embrace color. You don't need to go overboard, but don't shy away from that colorful blazer, eyeshadow, tie, or even purple highlights.

12. Listen to Your Inner Child

Listen to your inner child & connect. They have much to tell you. It can be difficult, but this list can help you venture inwards. Guide those young parts to safety and play.

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