How to Make Mittens From a Cozy Sweater


If I had a dollar for every time we've said "where are Izzy's mittens?", I could buy many pounds of really good chocolate. Or really good coffee. Maybe both.

Point is, until being a parent, I thought one or two pairs of mittens were enough for anybody. Not so, my friends.

How To Make How to Make Mittens From a Cozy Sweater

Apparently, when it comes to toddlers, there are NEVER enough mittens.

First things first though - if you don't already have a stash of felted up sweaters, we need to remedy that.

Dig those puppies out and throw them in with your next three or four loads of laundry. And each time, put them in the dryer. 

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How to Make Mittens From a Cozy Sweater